Home Forum Topics Mental Health Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors

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  • #900 Reply

      Anyone else dealing with mental health issues that have physical effects? My trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling) flared up again during the pandemic – no surprise. Would love to hear how anyone else is dealing with it. So far bandanas and beanies all day until I go to bed are the most effective for me.

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      • #4547 Reply
        benjamin levisbenjamin levis

          A category of related diseases known as body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) is distinguished by recurrent, body-damaging self-grooming habits. Usually, people engage in these actions as a coping mechanism for worry, stress, or other emotional states. BFRBs are seen as a form of impulse control disorder and frequently entail the person acting out the behavior without being aware of it or having any control over it.

          1. Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder) is characterized by compulsive hair-pulling, which can cause visible hair loss and possible scalp injury. Before pulling their hair, people with trichotillomania frequently experience tension or anxiety, and they may feel relief or pleasure afterward.
          2. Skin damage, scars, or infections can arise from repetitively picking at one’s skin, which is known as dermatillomania (Skin Picking Disorder). Skin picking is often a reaction to perceived flaws or irregularities on the skin and can be brought on by stress or worry.
        • #4514 Reply
          riya andriariya andria

            The pandemic has taken a toll on many people’s mental health, causing physical manifestations of conditions like trichotillomania. This individual finds solace in wearing bandanas and beanies as a coping mechanism, and seeks to connect with others who may be dealing with similar challenges.

          • #4306 Reply
            Sid JusticeSid Justice

              Yes, In the pandemic, several psychological issues have been observed in the life of people. But when a person engages himself in a particular activity or hobby, it will be better for him. Besides engaging, one can take drinks like the Best electrolyte. This type of drink also makes a positive impact on one’s psychological health.

            • #4277 Reply
              Feliza BruntFeliza Brunt

                Hii MP!!

                Yes my friend MACY has faced another health issue from her worst mental health. She is dealing with severe depression for the last two years. During her tough health condition, She also faced eyelash thinning. A few months back, she consulted with telehealth doctor Ongo Care and got medications. Now she is better with depression and eyelash thinning.

              • #1371 Reply

                  Hi MP,

                  I’m going to reach out to a friend of mine – I think she can connect with you. I’ve been losing a ton of hair since COVID hit. My hairdresser said that every woman she has seen is experiencing it as well. I know that doesn’t make you feel better but hopefully, I can connect with you soon.

                  xoxo – sarah

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